Thanks to all of you who have joined the Heartland Intimacy Training Community. I am so pleased to see what great response this is getting, especially by theatre educators!
In case you missed it, there are TWO online intimacy training courses now available through the Online Training portal. Here's a brief description of each:
This is a completely FREE resource available to anyone with an email address. This is a "mini-course" to walk you through a definition of theatrical intimacy, the categories of theatrical intimacy, and the differences between the names of different practitioners of theatrical intimacy.
This is a 10-hour, 10-module intimacy training program that will give you the foundational tools of staging intimacy, nudity, and sexual violence in a healthy, professional, and artistic manner. Unlike the mini-course, this is direct, one-to-one mentorship. I will be there each step of the way to ensure your success. There are assignments for each module to make sure you not only know what the tools are, but why they are important and how to use them. You will walk away from The Core Curriculum with a language, tools, and exercises that you can implement immediately into your practice.
In addition, you will be granted access to a private community of those who have completed The Core Curriculum for you to make connections, work out ideas, receive feedback, and share resources. Plus, you'll get a certificate reflecting your 10 hours of intimacy training!
Where do we grow from here?
Now that The Core Curriculum is available, here are the next steps that Heartland will be taking to offer academic, accessible, and affordable intimacy training entirely online.
Institutional Subscriptions
The next big step is offering institutional subscriptions to The Core Curriculum. Unlike the regular module, this will offer the modules and resources without the certification so you can share this knowledge with your theatre company, cast, or students. By offering an institutional subscription format, the knowledge spreads to a wider group of individuals, which helps everyone advocate for best practices...even when you're not there. If you are interested in an institutional subscription, please feel free to reach out!
The Educator Module
The next step is growing the content that is available online for individual participants. The Educator Module will offer additional tools, paperwork, exercises, and troubleshooting specifically for the classroom. In order to access The Educator Module, you will need to have completed The Core Curriculum, so consider this module an "add-on" and not a replacement for The Core Curriculum.
For those of you who have already subscribed to Heartland, thank you! I am thoroughly enjoying working with you all.
Want to train? Sign up here.